DDL Arg is a solution for different challenges that require suitable mortars for
construction, rehabilitation, renovation and conservation and restoration.
DDL has a customization service of mortars that provide specific solutions to the clients requirements, for aesthetic purposes or technical necessities. Any idea, any design, colour, solution or need can come to life in a way suitable for historic or modern buildings.
When the requirement is to develop a mortar with the same characteristics as the original ones, for historic constructions or specific environments, in order to maximize the durability of the products, DDL performs a prior study of the materials, finding its mechanical and chemical characteristics.
It can also be appropriate to perform a compatibility, durability and reversibility study, with a quality test control, performing in situ trials before and after the application of the new mortars.
Any mortar from DDL’s catalogue or customized, can be coloured according to the client’s requirements, using special aggregates or pigments.
For historic coatings it’s possible to assess the original colour through a chromatic study of the building (with stratigraphic analysis), creating a similar colour.
DDL Arg has several solutions of additives to incorporate in the products to change its characteristics in order to fulfill the client's needs.