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In the intervention in patrimonial assets, DDL follows the values ​​for good pratices in Conservation and Restoration, ensuring compliance with the deontological rules that respect the assets to intervene.

The general principles required in a Conservation and Restoration intervention are:


Authenticity: historical, aesthetic, constructive and technological;


Compatibility and reversibility: material compatibility between the original materials and the incorporated materials, ensuring the possibility of removing the additions;


Durability of the applied solutions without causing damage;




In the interventions DDL follows the main ethical aspects recommended by the current international organizations:


Give priority to preventive conservation, in order to avoid actions of a curative or even reconstitution nature. Interventions for curative conservation, restoration or reconstitution, properly framed, aim to restore the overall look of the subject, ensuring the principle of minimum intervention and adapting the depth of the intervention to the anomalies, environmental conditions, pre-existing and possible future interventions;


The criteria and methodologies are designed for each specific pathological condition, based on previous studies;


Historical, artistic and material authenticity are the object of maximum respect. The changes made (historical additions) are removed when they falsify the piece, in terms of integrity or readability. The remaining previous interventions are maintained;


The products and methods applied aim not to alter the physical-chemical properties of the materials or the appearance of the objects, ensuring, whenever possible, the principles of safety and reversibility, favoring traditional materials and technologies and, alternatively, synthetic materials. The intervened areas are visually perceptible, at a convenient distance;


In volumetric and chromatic reintegrations, the limits of the gaps (damaged areas) are respected and are discernible by simple observation. Chromatic reintegrations are performed only when there is a need to return perception to the piece;


A final report is always provided that compiles all the historical elements related to the piece known by the team, also mentioning the criteria, methodologies and products used.

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