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DDL Arg aims to be ahead in the lime mortars sector, investing continuously in its R & D activities for product innovation, in order to obtain wider and better technical solutions, and to develop customized products and solutions in response to the client´s specific needs.

The R & D and Innovation activities primarily to develop ecologically sustainable solutions, namely with the utilization of light aggregates originated from forest, agricultural and industrial waste, and to provide a clear alternative to the ETICS system, reducing the environmental impact of the coating solutions. ​

The DDL Arg company has a long time established partnership with the University of Aveiro, for the development of new products resorting to the university's human and technological resources which takes form in its status as a spin-off company of the University of Aveiro.


In parallel, DDL Arg integrates the Amorim Cork Ventures project, sharing its facilities in Paços de Brandão, functioning as a partner who looks for the development and manufacture of products and research projects with the purpose of developing new approaches to the cork application. 

From the several ongoing research projects we can highlight the ECOInovArg, a Thermal Coating Insulation Mortar Solution, project developed with the support of the European Commission, and the Evolution Cork Mortar (ECM) project, a lime mortar for a Thermal and Acoustic Insulation Solution – with an International Patent pending.

Tel: (+351) 968 802 798

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